Prodigal Son S01E11浪子神探-獨處
Prodigal Son 浪子神探是個很特別的偵查犯罪的影集,有缺陷的主角已經不稀奇了,但加上有連續殺人犯的精神病老爸,這個噱頭就有可看性了,富裕又複雜的家庭背景當然也是這部影集吸引人的地方。個人覺得這影集算是美國影劇作家的佳作,可惜只有兩季,可能太黑暗太沉重了吧...
"I can create a place of peace and safety no matter where I am."
"I can create a place of peace and safety no matter where I am."
想像人物說:That's right. Do your daily affirmations... just like I taught you.
You're not really here. And you're not really in a place of peace and safety.
想像人物說:Now. Collect your thoughts. The more you breathe, the more ordered those thoughts will be. You have to stay alive, kiddo.